Thyroid Healing Jouney
Many people have reached out to ask about the specifics around how I used Reiki for the thyroid healing, so I wanted to share more detail.
The shortest version is that, I didn't consciously use reiki to heal my thyroid. I was entirely focused upon using it to manage neck pain from whiplash injuries. I give Reiki the credit for this healing because nothing in my life had changed, except that I began doing lots of Reiki on myself.
I didn't have a reiki practice at the time, and I was working in an office. I would take brief (1-3 minute) "micro-breaks" throughout my day. As I did this, I'd lace my fingers together at the back of my neck and ask Reiki to flow. The office remained busy, and I often chatted with coworkers while doing it. If you looked at me, you might have thought I was just stretching or resting my neck for a little bit. I was, but with a bonus!
After 2 years of this, I noticed one morning that I had missed a dose of thyroid medication from the previous day. I'd had hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) for ten years and was taking synthroid (thyroid hormone replacement medication, 88 mcg) daily.
I rarely missed a dose because doing so caused intense fatigue, brain fog, and other challenging symptoms that could linger for days. I chalked up my missing the dose without consequence as grace / luck, and kept taking the synthroid.
A few months later, I missed a dose again. This time, it felt like my inner guidance was to stop taking the medication. I felt safe doing this because I had an annual doctor exam in 2 weeks, and I knew we would be testing my thyroid levels at that time. More importantly, I had no issue with immediately going back on the medicine if I felt that I needed it before the exam, or if my thyroid hormone levels were low upon testing.
My thyroid levels tested normal, but we continued re-testing at quarterly intervals for a year. At first, this was because the half-life of the medication could have contributed to the 'normal' results for several months. We agreed to continue testing quarterly for a year because my doctor wanted to make sure the improvement was sustained.
Since then, annual testing shows my thyroid levels have stayed normal. After being told I’d be on synthroid for the rest of my life, I’ve been off the medication without issue for over a decade. My thyroid is healed.
Life brings amazing gifts in unexpected packages! I would offer that even the MCAS has helped me with life-long issues, such as separating my value and worth from what I do or what others think of me; getting better at creating and holding healthy boundaries; improving my self-care practices; deepening my spiritual practices; and much more.
It's not that we have to get sick or injured to learn those lessons. There are countless other ways to work on these and other issues; this just happens to be my path for now.
I hope that helps. If not, pleae feel free to contact me!