Welcome to Reiki Healing with Rachel Carey!

DISTANCE Reiki Treatment & Training

(done via phone, video, and email)

A bit about Reiki

If you're not familiar with Reiki, it's is a holistic method of healing.  It's like acupuncture without needles - in that both are very gentle, yet powerful, techniques designed to move energy within and around the body.  It may be safely offered to any creature (animal, plant, or human) of any age or condition, as well as to 'inanimate' things (places, property, ...) and abstract things (goals, challenges, ...).


There's no need to believe in Reiki or anything else to benefit from it.

It's a little bit like how we don’t have to believe in or understand the science behind cellphones to benefit from using them.


Reiki can help us to hit the reset button in the places where the natural balance & flow of the energy in our bodies &/or lives may have become stuck, blocked, or lowered by stress, illness, karma, and other influences. 


Reiki’s potential is limitless.  It has the power to instantly bring 'miracle' healings to all areas of life.  Or, it can help us find and follow a path to learning, healing, and growing through whatever is (or isn’t) happening when the ‘miracle’ shows up as a process, rather than an instantaneous event.  (I use 'miracle' as a way to honor that there are lots of other labels and perspectives for this concept  ;)  )


Among many other things, it can facilitate...

  • Clearing mental "chatter"
  • Relaxation & stress reduction
  • Pain relief & management
  • Recovering from illnesses and injuries
  • Creating and sustaining better health or other life changes
  • Grounding, centering, balancing, & restoring your energy
  • Releasing old patterns of perception and behavior that may no longer be serving you, others, or your situation(s)
  • Opening to, considering, learning, or mastering new patterns of perception and behavior
  • Healing & clearing current and past life / karmic issues, agreements, contracts, or other factors that may be influencing current-life situations


To learn more about Reiki, please click here.

A bit about sessions

Perhaps the most important thing to know is that you will always be in full control of your session. Everything happens with your permission and at your pace. 


My highest goal is to create a safe, respectful, and nurturing space for you.

I see my role as supporting you through whatever is (or isn't) happening while Reiki works its 'magic'.  That means I'll do my best in each session to help you to explore your challenges, needs, path, and healing options.


Because every person's path and preferences are unique, I don't have a one-size-fits-all approach to healing.  Reiki is the core of my practice, but I can also use other tools (if/as you're open to exploring them).  These tools can include guided meditations; understanding emotional wisdom; techniques based upon teachings of the Berkeley Psychic Institute; Shamanic journeying, healing and singing; and more.  


The 'and more' can include intuitive 'reading' - a term for asking questions and being open to intuitive perceptions about you, your challenge(s), and most anything else.  


Intuitive reading doesn't need to be a part of any session – we can ‘just’ do energy work.  But if you're interested, these types of perceptions can sometimes provide insights and perspectives to explore.  I can share during the session, at the end, or in other ways and times that we agree upon.


For clarity, I believe everyone's intuitive, so you can do readings (and healings) for yourself.  However, intuition is often dormant or unrecognized for many people. The good news is that you can learn to awaken, trust, &/or work with it whenever you’re ready!  I can also help you learn to develop and manage your gifts, if you'd like.



To learn more about how sessions and readings are conducted, please click here.

A bit about Rachel

After several amazing experiences with Reiki, I was inspired to bring more healing into my life and the lives of others.  So, I chose to learn it. 


As I mentioned above, I've also studied other intuitive energy healing techniques.  I incorporate these, and any other tools I may be guided to use, into sessions - with your permission. 


For transparency, I've been dealing with an auto-immune issue for several years.  The illness came along after I’d been a Reiki practitioner and teacher for almost a decade. 


I’m biased, but I believe that the illness (or any other long-term issue) doesn't necessarily mean that Reiki's failed me or that it isn't powerful.  I've had the opportunity to witness and experience many miraculous healing events; I know they're possible.  Even so, it seems I'm currently on the healing 'process' plan. 


As I navigate my process, Reiki supports me on my path, but it doesn’t walk it for me.  It's helping me heal in so many ways, including physically.  Yet, there seems to be a lot more mental, emotional, and spiritual healing happening (so far). 


This doesn't mean that I don't have really rough days, or that I'm always a ray of sunshine and gratitude.  It's more that I've learned lots of tools to help me heal and work with the parts of myself that can get triggered into fear, doubt, impatience, anger, and other forms of upset when the challenges of the illness (or anything else) seem too hard or too much.


My hope is that my training and experiences can serve you.  While personal experience with any challenge isn't necessary to support others, especially with Reiki, it can sometimes be useful as you learn (or master) how to ...


  • Re-/center yourself in the peaceful eye of any challenge's 'hurricane'
  • Recover and rebuild after multiple reversals, disappointments, mistakes, failures, and unexpected plot twists
  • Identify and heal patterns of perspective, belief, and behavior that may be creating &/or contributing to your challenge(s)
  • Apply what you learn (or already know) at a higher level &/or with greater consistency as you navigate your challenge(s)


Or, my role can be to offer physical and energetic maintenance, tune-ups, fuel-ups, and rest stops on your journey.  We dont' have to address challenges  :)


To learn more about me, my approach to healing, and the benefits of Reiki, click here.


I offer a wide range of services relating to health and wellness. For more information on any of these topics, please click on the links below:



I also facilitate group guided meditations, speak as a guest lecturer, and offer readings and healings for special events.  Please contact me with your specific need.


SCHEDULING - By Appointment Only

NOTE:  For session and class fees, please click here.


Distance Healing Sessions 

In US:  conducted via email, phone, or video

Internationally:  conducted via email or video


Human & Animal  

Mon - Fri, 7a - 6p PST 

Sessions conducted via email, phone, or video

60-90 minute sessions (paid by donation)

Last distance session starts 6p

For more information, please click here.


If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.


Home, Business & Land

Mon - Fri, 7a - 6p PST

Sessions conducted via email only

90-minute sessions (paid by donation)

3-hour sessions ($300 flat fee)

Last distance session starts 6p

For more information, please click here.


If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.



Distance Classes

All classes are taught remotely via phone or video

Reiki I $100; Reiki II $200, Reiki III $300


Monday - Friday, 7a-4p PST   (Last class starts 4pm)

Weekend classes available, please contact for details

If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.


Each degree is a single class lasting...


     4 hours for 1-2 people

     Additional 30 minutes needed for each person, 3+ people


Currently, there are no classes pre-scheduled.  If you would like to schedule a class, please contact me with your availability, and I'll be happy to arrange a class for you one-on-one, or for your group. 


For more information on classes, please click here.



To book a session or individual/group class:


Please call me at 619.342.6239 or send me an email.


