Reiki & Intuitive Healing Sessions
DISTANCE Reiki Treatment
Done via phone, video, and email
Reiki is a very gentle, yet powerful, healing energy. It meets you where you are to support your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual needs. I have seen it do amazing things (what some might call miracles) in my own life and others. I hold space that anything can be possible in every session.
That said, whenever healing isn’t an event, it might mean it’s a process. There can be an infinite number of reasons for that process, but it tends to relate to serving us in some way(s).
Just as an example, it may be that we have something more to do, or things we may need to learn or to better understand about ourselves, others, circumstances, life, Spirit (if/as you believe), … All of that creates fertile soil for healing, growth, and change.
From this perspective, perhaps a huge part of healing is learning to navigate changes in healthier and more balanced ways. I see my role as creating and holding a safe, respectful, and nurturing space for healing, exploring possibilities, and anything else that may support your path.
With your permission, I will do all that I know to do or am called to do to facilitate the process, including Reiki, shamanic journeying and singing, spiritual counseling, or other techniques. We only do the things you want to do. If you don’t know what you want, we can talk about what’s possible.
In my life and practice, I believe that we're all innately intuitive, but not everyone has developed their gifts. This means that I'm not doing anything you couldn't do for yourself with time & practice. It also means that I'm not better or different from you because I chose this path.
Reiki, Intuitive Readings, and Boundaries
I mention that I'm not better or different because working with Reiki often prompts intuitive perceptions. These perceptions often come as information to consider, possible answers to questions, context for challenges, and most anything else. All of that is sometimes called "Intuitive Reading".
Readings don't have to be a part of your session unless that interests you. We can 'just' do energy work, and that's great! It only means I won’t share intuitive perceptions with you, even if they come up.
Or, if readings do interest you, I can share things with you in whatever way and time you prefer. For example, at the start, middle, &/or near the end of the session.
When I read, I set the intention to only perceive what you may be ready and willing to share. I don’t actively 'search' for problems or secrets. Sometimes, these kinds of perceptions come anyway. If that happens, I won't share or discuss anything without asking for your permission to do so, or I'll honor your choice if you've already said you don't want to know.
If you'd like me to share, please understand that while I do my best to be as clear and accurate as possible in every reading, I'm not perfect - and neither is my intuition. From my perspective, it doesn't really matter how accurate I tend to be, because even 99.99% accuracy isn't 100%.
Intuitive inaccuracy can take many forms. Sometimes, perceptions may only be partially true (like pieces of a large puzzle, where the pieces are accurate, but they don't accurately represent the bigger picture to which they belong). They could also be partially mistaken in some form or degree. And of course, they may even completely inaccurate for countless reasons - but mostly, because I'm not omniscient (… yet ;) ).
So, I encourage you to always decide for yourself what's true and best for you. I say 'always' because even if an intuitive perception is 100% accurate and 'true' in a big-picture way, that doesn’t really matter. If you’re not ready, willing, or able to hear or consider it, it’s not true for you in that moment – and that’s totally fine!
I'll do my best to help you feel as comfortable as possible as you consider, agree with, question, doubt, dislike, disagree with, or completely reject anything and everything – intuitive or otherwise. It’s not for me to tell you what to think, believe, feel, or do.
In this way, you control everything in every session. If something doesn't feel right, or you don't want to do or discuss something - I stop (or don't even start).
In my experience, there isn’t any need to rush, force, or go into effort in any session. Those dynamics often have the opposite effect by creating resistance to growth and change.
This can be especially true if you're dealing with any wounded part(s) of yourself. Many times, those parts may have already been judged, pushed, bullied, neglected, abused, and more. Unconditional love, compassion, patience, comforting, nurturing, etc., tend to be the inroads for this (and perhaps all other) healing.
Session Frequency
How often you choose to have sessions usually depends upon your situation.
Again, miracles are always possible. But more often than not, it took time to create the mental, emotional, and behavioral patterns that may have created &/or contributed to the challenge(s) in your life.
Learning to identify, understand, recognize, and consistently make conscious choices to change those patterns in support of balance, wholeness and health may also take some time and practice.
Because each person, challenge and path is unique, I don't prescribe specific time frames for healing. I think everyone needs to go at their own pace. Whether you schedule weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly sessions, you are still bringing healing to whatever is (or isn’t) happening.
However, the more frequently you can schedule sessions during challenging times, the faster you may see shifts in your condition or situation. It's an imperfect analogy, but you might think of it like going to the gym: any workout is a good workout, but going with frequency and consistency tends to increase the opportunity for change.
In sessions, any kind of change is possible. For example, you may notice some degree(s) or form(s) of improvement in your challenges, &/or you may notice that you're able to cope with them in more effective and self-supportive ways.
From my perspective, perhaps the latter is most important - we can't always change what is happening around us, but we can change how we choose to perceive and respond. It's a bit like learning to center yourself in the eye of a hurricane, where it's calm and peaceful, even as the storm rages all around it.
As the storm moves, you can learn to move with it. But most importantly, all storms end, even hurricanes. So, having the tools and perspectives to weather life's storms can be incredibly useful in every challenge, no matter their type, intensity, duration, or anything else.
Many clients find benefit in coming weekly if they are experiencing challenges, then switching to monthly or quarterly sessions to help sustain their health and well-being. Some only reach out when they have challenges. Ultimately, whatever works for you is perfect.
Sessions last between 60-90 minutes.
Please reserve 90 minutes when scheduling. If we don't need the time, you can be done early. However, I have found that sometimes people need more time to discuss & process things from their sessions, which is why I ask that you reserve the extra time when you schedule.
Sessions are conducted via email, phone, or video
From a certain perspective, everything is made of energy, so healing energy can go anywhere. I've done sessions with people in Africa, Asia, and Europe from my home in the U.S. To learn more about distance healing sessions, please click here.
By Donation -
Payable credit card prior to session
Yes, I work on donation. I trust each person to pay what they can for the value of the healing that they receive. Surprisingly, many people are uncomfortable with paying by donation and prefer to know a payment "range".
For what I do, other practitioners charge between $150-200 per session. Please know that whatever payment you offer (whether it's more or less than the "range") for the healing, reading or communication you receive is perfect.
To pay for sessions: Please click here
SCHEDULING - By Appointment Only
NOTE: For session and class fees, please click here.
Distance Healing Sessions
In US: conducted via email, phone, or video
Internationally: conducted via email or video
Human & Animal
Mon - Fri, 7a - 6p PST
Sessions conducted via email, phone, or video
60-90 minute sessions (by donation)
Last distance session starts 6p
For more information, please click here.
If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.
Home, Business & Land
Mon - Fri, 7a - 6p PST
Sessions conducted via email only
90-minute sessions (by donation)
3-hour sessions ($300 flat fee)
Last distance session starts 6p
For more information, please click here.
If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.
Distance Classes
All classes are taught remotely via phone or video
Monday - Friday, 7a-4p PST (Last class starts 4pm)
Weekend classes available, please contact for details
If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.
Each degree is a single class lasting...
4 hours for 1-2 people
Additional 30 minutes needed for each person, 3+ people
Currently, there are no classes pre-scheduled. If you would like to schedule a class, please contact me with your availability, and I'll be happy to arrange a class for you one-on-one, or for your group.
For more information on classes, please click here.
To book a session or individual/group class:
Please call me at 619.342.6239 or send me an email.