DISTANCE Reiki Classes

(done via phone and Facetime/Skype)

I love sharing Reiki with others, and I especially enjoy empowering others to do Reiki.   A Reiki teacher is traditionally called a Reiki Master.  While I fully respect those who use the title Reiki Master, I prefer to think of myself as a Reiki Teacher.  I feel that Reiki is a life-long learning process, and no matter how proficient I may become, there will always be something new to learn.


The ability to work with Reiki is usually passed from Master/Teacher to student in a process, called an attunement.  Literally, this is a ritualized process that 'tunes you in' to Reiki energy.  Just like radio & TV waves, Reiki energy is all around us.  In the way that adjusting your satellite dish allows you to receive all your TV channels, the attunement process allows you to 'tune in' and work with Reiki energy. 


Working with healing energy and using our intuition is part of your human being owner's manual.  If you were to look at that manual, its contents would fill the tallest building in the world.  However, most of us live and work with the information contained on the first & second floors - if we have chosen to even enter the building.


I believe that Reiki is something we all have the ability to do, and it is an easy, fun and holistic way to bring healing to our lives, as well as the lives of others.  Even if you don't do Reiki for others, as each person brings healing into their own life, it exponentially reaches out to bring healing to the world around us in ways we may never have imagined.



I've begun teaching only distance / remote classes via phone and/or video (Facetime and Skype).  The concern for many people is how they can receive the attunement energy when they're not in my physical presence.  I understand.  Many well respected sources have shared a rule that it's not possible to do an attunement remotely.  However, I've come to learn that this is untrue.  In reality, the energy of the attunement can be transmitted just as easily and effectively as the energy sent during a distance healing.  There's absolutely no difference whatsoever. 


As with distance sessions, it may help to consider sending healing or attuning energy as being similar to how a cell phone call operates: 


First, every phone has a unique number.  Similarly, everyone has their own unique 'soul signature', akin to a phone number, that identifies and distinguishes them from each and every other expression of consciousness in creation.  Reiki's Divine Intelligence recognizes each  individual with even greater accuracy and precision than cellular phones.


Second, you can't physically see the energy that connects your cell phone to anyone else's, but you know it's working because the call connects.  By the same token, you can't see Reiki energy with your physical eyes, but it can still connect one soul to another. 


This brings me to the attunement experience itself.  It's possible that you may have a variety of awarenesses and sensations during the attunement (seeing, hearing, feeling (physical and/or emotional), tasting, smelling, etc.).  Yet it's also possible that you may have no experiences whatsoever. 


The difference has nothing to do with whether I'm in-person or far away.  It has to do with whether or not your intuition has developed.  If your intuitive gifts haven't opened (whether naturally or through training), you may not be aware of the connection and transfer of energy that happens during the attunement process.  The good news is that by practicing and playing with Reiki, your intuition will naturally blossom and grow - it will open in those who've not yet awakened, and it will stregthen in those who've already begun to develop their gifts.


Third, you don't have to know everything about how your cell phone works in order to make calls.  The same is true with Reiki.  Even though science has not yet reached a place of understanding how Reiki works, it's still possible to use it.  I've successfully made attunement and healing 'calls' many times over the years! 



There are three levels (degrees) of Reiki training (I, II, III).  In traditional Reiki, you usually receive multiple attunements for each Degree, and it can take years to move from one Degree to the next.  While this level of apprenticeship is wonderful, in modern Reiki, there is usually just a single attunement and class for each Degree.  Each class tends to last only a few hours, and they are generally spaced about a month apart.  


The theory behind this brevity is that Reiki itself is your best teacher.  It works differently with each student - meeting them where they are when they begin the class and growing with them as they continue to learn.


Different teachers have different ways of doing classes.  As I teach it, the class for each Degree lasts four hours.  You're not expected to master each Degree in that time.  The class is merely an opportunity to introduce you to each level and get you 'up and running'. 


You will be taught material applicable to each degree and learn energy exercises & techniques that will help you to increase your ability to experience and work with Reiki energy.  You will also be emailed a manual containing the class material.  We will use this as the basis for the class, and you can use it as a reference while you continue to learn.  In addition, I will be available for questions and follow-up via email and phone as needed.


My goal in each class is to open & empower you to fully embrace all  possibilities as you work with Reiki.  There are people who teach lots of rules on how Reiki can and cannot be performed or taught.  While I fully respect and understand the reasoning behind many of the rules I've come across, it has been my experience that they are often limitations.


As you move through each Degree, I will teach you the rules I've learned, so that you are aware of them.  Then I will share my understanding of the reasoning behind why they exist and why I've come to feel that those rules may actually stem from limiting beliefs - based upon our very human experiences - and why those beliefs can keep you from fully embracing all that Reiki can do. 


In time, you can then decide for yourself whether you would like to support the rules.  It's not right or wrong that they exist, and it's up to you how you would like to work with Reiki to develop your practice.  




(How long to wait between Reiki I, II & III classes) 


I leave it to my students to decide when it's right for them to take their next steps in learning Reiki.  If you feel you're ready, you're ready.


I acknowledge that it's more common for classes to be held a month apart in order to allow students time to experience each Degree before moving to the next.  However, I've found that if someone needs to have that time compressed (all 3 classes in a single weekend; one  per week - or every other week, etc), Reiki will meet each person where they are & grow with them as they continue to practice and learn.


No matter what time table is used for training, think of it like being given a beautiful race car.  That car is very powerful & can do amazing things, but in order to learn to drive it, you must start by working in first gear and driving around a parking lot.  With practice, you will know how and when to work all the gears, and you can eventually drive on the autobahn, if you choose.  But even if you cannot use all the bells and whistles immediately, you still have a fantastic car.  The rest is just learning to drive it. 


Similarly, due to Reiki's Divine Intelligence, it knows exactly where you are in your personal & spiritual development and works with you as you grow and learn to use it.  It doesn't overwhelm or 'shock' your system, and you're not forced to drive on the autobahn before you 'know how the car works', so to speak.


Consequently, there is no one-size-fits-all 'right' answer to when each class can be taken.  Like I said, if you feel ready, or you need it, trust yourself.  You are ready. 




For more information on each class & its curriculum, please click on the links below:


Reiki I   $100

     Focus:  Physical healing

     Learning to work with Reiki energy & 1st Reiki symbol


Reiki II  $200

     Focus:  Mental, emotional & distance healing

     Learning additional Reiki symbols  (most information-intensive class)


Reiki III $300

     Focus:  Spiritual healing

     Learning to pass attunements, teach others & Master symbol 





Class conducted via Skype, Facetime or Phone:

Based upon your needs and how technology may be cooperating, we'll do your class via phone, Skype or Facetime.  For details on how the attunement is still effective with this method of class, please see DISTANCE ATTUNEMENTS information above.


Class Length

4 hours for 1-2 people

Additional 30 minutes per person for 3+ people


During this time, you will receive an attunement and an overview of the most important concepts for whichever Reiki degree you are seeking, in addition to hands-on practice of what you have learned.


Reiki itself will be your best teacher, as it works differently with every person.  As this happens, you may have questions that arise after the class. I will also be available to answer questions via email or phone.  I truly enjoy keeping in touch with students and helping as best I can; however, please understand that this is not an intensive level of mentoring, but the answering of periodic questions.


For long-term, intensive assistance, mentoring and support, you may wish to schedule weekly, bi-weekly or monthly Reiki sessions.  During these sessions we can thoroughly discuss any challenges or difficulties you are facing, and you will also receive the benefit of a Reiki treatment.  I have scheduled monthly visits with my own Reiki teacher since learning Reiki in 2007, and I have found great benefit and balance in this exchange.



We will take any breaks during class, as needed.  It’s all very flexible – I want the class to be as relaxed & enjoyable as possible.



I have no requirement for how to dress to take a Reiki class.  Be as comfortable or as dressy as you like.  Since most people do their classes from home, you can even wear pajamas, if it serves you.  I promise not to judge!   


Food & beverages:

Please feel free to eat or drink whatever you like during the class  It will not impact our ability to do the class or for you to receive an attunement.




A PDF file of your signed certificate of training, with your name and class date will be emailed to you within one (1) day of your training. 




On the day you schedule your class, you will an email containing the class manual for the course you have selected.


Many students have found it helpful to read over the material prior to their class. However, this isn’t required.  You don't have to read or fully understand the information before you come to class.


The class manual has more material than we could adequately cover in 4 hours.  Rather than cover all of it, we’ll cover the important things that will help you use Reiki, and the rest of the manual is intended to be used as a reference for you after class.



 Group classes are possible.  You can invite family or friends to participate in your class.  They can congregate at your home, or you can meet anywhere you like, so long as internet or phone connections exist to connect me to your group for the teaching portions of the class.


I will need additional information for group classes, such as the number of people and their names.  The count is especially important, as the length of time for the class increases by 30 minutes per person for 3 or more people.  This is to allow time for everyone to have their questions answered, etc.




F. L., Carlsbad, CA


I thoroughly enjoyed all three of my classes with you!

[Skype classes feedback]


E. T., Solana Beach, CA


I discovered Rachel casually searching the internet and something in my gut said “Go!”. So I did. I had never had a Reiki session and knew very little about Reiki, however my experience with Rachel and Reiki changed my life in a profound way. Rachel’s very unique and thorough teaching style and impressive intuitive abilities allowed for a truly transformative experience. I was so impressed, I went back and took Reiki II. Once again I found the same transformative experience on an even deeper level. I am grateful for everything I learned and continue to use Reiki in every aspect of my life. ...  [This was one of my last in-person classes for now]


K. W., Oceanside, CA


I had an incredible, peaceful experience with Rachel Carey, as she has a very lovely, peaceful home in Oceanside that helped me to feel welcome and comfortable while I was open to whatever the day had prepared for us.


I was truly feeling connected in so many ways on a spiritual level throughout our entire time together, and she was consistent the entire time in asking me if I had understood whatever it was that she was teaching me, so that I wouldn't leave with questions in my mind. She is pretty thorough with the most important parts of the teaching and reassured me that if there were any questions that I had to please stop and ask at anytime. She really took her time and also made it fun as she has a great sense of humor.


Overall, it was a delightful, insightful, very spiritual learning experience. I definitely felt like I was on a higher level of spiritual awareness well after my learning session with her that day and well into the coming days. I remember walking to work the next day and feeling this overwhelming connection to nature like I had never felt before! It was euphoric and epic. The trees felt like they were speaking to me and I was seeing them and noticing them in a new light. I felt a relationship with nature and wanted to go and hug a tree for the first time ever! It was the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced in my life. And because of it, I do have a new connection with nature and have a need to be near now, everyday.


I am now at a higher level of awareness that I have never had and I have Rachel to thank for that. She is a beautiful teacher and loving soul and I am so grateful that I had her as my first Reiki teacher. It was an honor to work with her as her passion for Reiki and teaching shines through so beautifully. 


K.M., Oceanside, CA


I am feeling extremely grounded and at peace.  Feeling one with nature like I never have felt before these last days.  Thank you so much for all of our time spent together learning and having fun.  It was such a pleasure!


S. S., San Diego, CA


I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday's class and it was a wonderful experience . Although I may not have experienced at first with the attunement what most or some probably do I definitely felt it when I had my hands on your shoulder and it was a very wow moment!


So I wanted to thank you for your warmth and kind demeanor and patience. I did try a bit this morning on myself and I think I felt something... Anyways, I look forward to the second class... 


Divine C., San Diego, CA


Rachel is truly amazing! I just received my first two Reiki attunements with her about a week ago! And I can't wait to go back to get the last attunement!

She makes a wonderful teacher and is very good at being patient with you
and your progress. She clearly explains each topic talked about to make sure your understanding is gained! She is very passionate in her teaching and with her work. She is very wise and will end up giving you good insight not only on Reiki but life and spirituality as well. She genuinely wants to aid in people's healing. She is also very funny and has such an adorable personality that makes  training even more fun! If you are looking to be worked on or looking to get trained properly- Rachel's your gal!!!


SCHEDULING - By Appointment Only

NOTE:  For session and class fees, please click here.


Distance Classes

All classes are taught remotely via phone or video


Monday - Friday, 7a-4p PST   (Last class starts 4pm)

Weekend classes available, please contact for details

If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.


Each degree is a single class lasting...


4 hours for 1-2 people

Additional 30 minutes needed for each person, 3+ people


Currently, there are no classes pre-scheduled.  If you would like to schedule a class, please contact me with your availability, and I'll be happy to arrange a class for you one-on-one, or for your group. 


For more information on classes, please click here.



Distance Healing Sessions 

In US:  conducted via email, phone, or video

Internationally:  conducted via email or video


Human & Animal  

Mon - Fri, 7a - 6p PST 

Sessions conducted via email, phone, or video

60-90 minute sessions (by donation)

Last distance session starts 6p

For more information on human sessions, please click here.

For more information on animal sessions, please click here.


If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.


Property:  Home, Business & Land

Mon - Fri, 7a - 6p PST

Sessions conducted via email, phone, or video

90-minute sessions (by donation)

3-hour sessions ($300 flat fee)

Last distance session starts 6p

For more information, please click here.


If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.



To book a session or individual/group class:


Please call or text me at 619.342.6239 or send me an email.


