Reiki II  (Second Degree)

DISTANCE Class (done via phone and Facetime/Skype)

The Second Degree is the level at which you can call yourself a Reiki Practitioner (a professional Reiki healing facilitator). There are those who say you shouldn't take this level of training unless you wish to become a practitioner, but I disagree.  I think anyone who wishes to bring more healing into their lives is welcome to do so.


The Second Degree emphasizes mental and emotional healing, as well as distance healing (sending the energy through time & space).  Even more importantly, it is where you begin to work much more closely with the 2nd Degree Reiki Symbols (see above), which are a significant part of Reiki. 


When you visualize (imagine) the symbols and say their names in your mind, you are invoking their power.  While our understanding of exactly how or why the symbols work is still very limited, I love the following observation by Tanmaya Honervogt, from her book, The Power of Reiki:  An Ancient Hands-on Healing Technique (Henry Holt& Co., Inc, 1998), Pgs 38-40:


"A Symbol comprises a pictoral drawing and a name, also known as a "mantra".  The drawing gives the visual representation of the symbol, while the name allows  you to hear its sound and experience its vibration.  In Reiki, the mantra is repeated "inside", not out loud.  You are working non-verbally on a thought wavelength to create vibration.  This is similar in concept to telepathy."


Because of the symbols, Second Degree greatly enhances your ability to work with Reiki energy.  I once heard the comparison that, as powerful as Reiki is without the symbols, the First Degree is like working with the power of a battery, the Second is like using direct current, and the Third is like working with the energy of a nuclear power plant (with no harmful waste or side effects!).  I completely agree.


As with Reiki I, I will teach you the rules of which I am aware, but I will also share with you why they may actually just be limitations in our understanding of Reiki and its power.   In time, you can then decide for yourself if you wish to follow these rules.  There is nothing wrong with them, but there is also nothing wrong with fully embracing Reiki's limitless potential.


This is the most information-intensive class, but you are not expected to master the information provided in a single event.  You will have the class curriculum to study and use as a reference as you practice.  And should you have additional questions, you are welcome to contact me.

Here is the material covered in Reiki II:


  • Introduction to the Second Degree

  • The human energy field (Aura)

  • Emotional sources of dis-ease

  • Dysfunction of chakras & related fields

  • Optimum function of chakras & related fields

  • Sounds & colors of chakras

  • The endocrine system

  • The Reiki symbols

  • Cho Ku Rei (power / physical Healing)

  • Sei He Ki (mental & emotional healing)

  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen  (distance healing + beaming energy)

  • Experimenting with & combining the symbols

  • Guidelines to working with others

  • What to expect in sessions

  • Co-creating your practice:  Clients, fees & trades

  • Traditional & Non-Traditional energy exercises

  • Legal considerations

  • Conclusion - things to keep in mind

  • Footnotes, bibliography & recommended reading


Some of the material in this class is touched upon in Reiki I and explored more fully in Reiki II. You will be expanding your foundation of understanding, as well as moving into new territories. 


Please know that all of this material serves as a reference.  You do not need to master all of the information and techniques provided in order to successfully use Reiki.  The most important thing to do at this level is to regularly practice drawing and using the symbols, and to experiment with each in both hands-on and distance healing.   That said, it's still important to relax and enjoy the journey!  If it feels like you're doing too much, you are. 




Classes conducted via Phone, Facetime or internet:

Based upon your needs and how technology is cooperating on the day of your class, we can do your class via phone, Facetime or internet. 


The concern for most people in this situation is how the attunement is passed if they're not in my presence.  The attunement is a ritualized process that 'tunes you in' to Reiki's energy, so you can learn to work with it. 


I understand the concern.  Many well-respected sources state that it's not possible to do an attunement without being physically present.  However, I've come to believe that this is untrue.  In reality, the energy of the attunement can be transmitted just as easily as the energy of a distance healing.  There's absolutely no difference whatsoever. 


As with distance sessions, it may help to consider sending Reiki's attuning energy as being similar to how a cell phone call operates: 


First, every phone has a unique number.  Similarly, everyone has their own unique 'soul signature', akin to a phone number, that distinguishes each and every expression of consciousness in creation.  Reiki's Divine Intelligence recognizes each and every creature with the same accuracy and precision that a single phone number has to identify only one, specific phone.


Second, you can't physically see the energy that connects your cell phone to anyone else's, but you know it's working because the call connects.  By the same token, you can't see Reiki energy with your physical eyes, but it can still connect one soul to another.  You may not be as aware of the connection if you've not yet developed your intuition, but as you continue to practice and play with the energy, you'll eventually be able to perceive it clearly.


Third, you don't have to know everything about how your cell phone works in order to make calls.  So it is with Reiki.  Even though science has not yet reached a place of understanding how all this is possible, it really does work.  I've successfully made attunement and healing 'calls' many times over the years! 


Class Length

4 hours for 1-2 people

Additional 30 min. per person for 3+ people


During this time, you will receive an overview of the most important concepts for this class, an attunement for this Reiki degree, and hands-on practice of what you have learned.


Reiki itself will be your best teacher, as it works differently with every person.  As this happens, you may have questions that arise after the class.  I will also be available to answer questions via email or phone.  I truly enjoy keeping in touch with students and helping as best I can; however, please understand that this is not an intensive level of mentoring, but the answering of periodic questions. 


For long-term, intensive assistance, mentoring and support, you may wish to schedule weekly, bi-weekly or monthly Reiki sessions.  During these sessions we can thoroughly discuss any challenges or difficulties you are facing, and you will also receive the benefit of a Reiki treatment.  I have scheduled monthly visits with my own Reiki teacher since learning Reiki in 2007, and I have found great benefit and balance in this exchange.



We will take any breaks during class, as needed.  It’s all very flexible – I want the class to be as relaxed & enjoyable as possible.



I have no requirement for how to dress to take a Reiki class.  Be as comfortable or as dressy as you like.  Since most people do their classes from home, you can even wear pajamas, if it serves you.  I promise not to judge!   


Food & beverages:

Please feel free to eat or drink whatever you like during the class  It will not impact our ability to do the class or for you to receive an attunement.




A PDF file of your signed certificate of training, with your name and class date will be emailed to you within one (1) day of your training. 



On the day you schedule your class, you will an email containing the class manual for the course you have selected.


Many students have found it helpful to read over the material prior to their class. However, this isn’t required.  You don't have to read or fully understand the information before you come to class.


The class manual has more material than we could adequately cover in 4 hours.  Rather than cover all of it, we’ll cover the important things that will help you use Reiki, and the rest of the manual is intended to be used as a reference for you after class.




Group classes are possible.  You can invite family or friends to participate in your class.  They can congregate at your home, or you can meet anywhere you like, so long as internet or phone connections exist to connect me to your group for the teaching portions of the class.


I will need additional information for group classes, such as the number of people and their names.  The count is especially important, as the length of time for the class increases by 30 minutes per person for 3 or more people.  This is to allow time for everyone to have their questions answered, etc.


(How long to wait between Reiki I, II & III classes) 


I leave it to my students to decide when it's right for them to take their next steps in learning Reiki.  If you feel you're ready, you're ready.


I acknowledge that it's more common for classes to be held a month apart in order to allow students time to experience each Degree before moving to the next.  However, I've found that if someone needs to have that time compressed (all 3 classes in a single weekend; one  per week - or every other week, etc), Reiki will meet each person where they are & grow with them as they continue to practice and learn.


No matter what time table is used for training, think of it like being given a beautiful race car.  That car is very powerful & can do amazing things, but in order to learn to drive it, you must start by working in first gear and driving around a parking lot.  With practice, you will know how and when to work all the gears, and you can eventually drive on the autobahn, if you choose.  But even if you cannot use all the bells and whistles immediately, you still have a fantastic car.  The rest is just learning to drive it. 


Similarly, due to Reiki's Divine Intelligence, it knows exactly where you are in your personal & spiritual development and works with you as you grow and learn to use it.  It doesn't overwhelm or 'shock' your system, and you're not forced to drive on the autobahn before you 'know how the car works', so to speak.


Consequently, there is no one-size-fits-all 'right' answer to when each class can be taken.  Like I said, if you feel ready, or you need it, trust yourself.  You are ready.  


CLASS FEE:  $200 per person



Payment by credit card only.  Please click here


NOTE:  Payment must be received no later than the day before your class begins, or the class will be rescheduled.



SCHEDULING - By Appointment Only

NOTE:  For session and class fees, please click here.


Distance Classes

All classes are taught remotely via phone or video


Monday - Friday, 7a-4p PST   (Last class starts 4pm)

Weekend classes available, please contact for details

If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.


Each degree is a single class lasting...


     4 hours for 1-2 people

     Additional 30 minutes needed for each person, 3+ people


Currently, there are no classes pre-scheduled.  If you would like to schedule a class, please contact me with your availability, and I'll be happy to arrange a class for you one-on-one, or for your group. 


For more information on classes, please click here.



Distance Healing Sessions 

In US:  conducted via email, phone, or video

Internationally:  conducted via email or video


Human & Animal  

Mon - Fri, 7a - 6p PST 

Sessions conducted via email, phone, or video

60-90 minute sessions (by donation)

Last distance session starts 6p

For more information, please click here.


If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.


Home, Business & Land

Mon - Fri, 7a - 6p PST

Sessions conducted via email, phone, or video

90-minute sessions (by donation)

3-hour sessions ($300 flat fee)

Last distance session starts 6p

For more information, please click here.


If this doesn't work for your schedule, we can discuss other options.



To book a session or individual/group class:


Please call or text me at 619.342.6239 or send me an email.

